What better way to test health and wellness initiatives for clients than by trying them out with our own employees?
At Savage & Associates, we encourage our employees to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a variety of fun activities to promote wellness. SavageFit creates wellness programs that are designed to improve the overall well-being of employees. Using social outreach with Twitter, Facebook and email marketing newsletters, SavageFit keeps a constant eye on what is trending in healthcare and health education. A great way to keep the wellness message in the daily feed.
In the office, a challenge is always good way to kick start good, healthy habits. In line with the 2016 NCAA Tournament, SavageFit created a March Madness wellness activity challenge. Each work day, employees are challenged to complete and track specific healthy activities from three different category lists: Free Throw, 2-points, and 3-points. The goal is to complete four activities from each of the three categories every day. Sheets are turned in and become eligible for a drawing for a gift card at the end of the tournament.
Health management is a business strategy. In today’s climate, companies need plan design options to arrest and reduce health care costs. Helping employees have the tools to live a healthy lifestyle is imperative. Here at Savage & Associates, we want to be a role model for the culture of wellness and prevention, promoting personal responsibility in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The end result of these good habits are:
• Reduced Worker’s Compensation Days
• Reduced Absenteeism
• Improvement in Morale
• Reduced Disability
• Increased Productivity
• Social Responsibility
• Decreased Healthcare Cost
• Increased Healthy Lifestyle Awareness
• Improved Disease Management
• Healthier, happier employees…
All this translates into lower costs for employers and employees.